Why A GWP Campaign May Be Right For Your Business

As the holiday season approaches, retailers are gearing up for one of the busiest times of the year. And if you’re looking to take advantage of the increased foot traffic and boost your sales, a Gift with Purchase (GWP) campaign can be a great way to do it. A GWP campaign is a promotional marketing effort in which a retailer or manufacturer offers a free gift to customers who purchase a certain product. This type of campaign is often used to boost sales of slower-moving items or to clear out inventory.

But before you start planning your GWP campaign, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure it’s successful. Here are three tips to help you time your GWP campaign right:

1. Start Planning Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to start planning your GWP campaign. The earlier you start, the more time you’ll have to develop a great offer and ensure it’s properly promoted. This way, you’ll have plenty of time to develop a solid strategy and choose the right products to include.

2. Time Your Campaign around Key Shopping Dates

Your GWP campaign should coincide with a time when people are already shopping. Black Friday and Cyber Monday,  are all major shopping holidays that can drive a lot of traffic. By timing your campaign around these dates, you can take advantage of the increased foot traffic and boost your sales.

3. Set a Budget

Before you launch your GWP campaign, you’ll need to set a budget. Keep in mind that you’ll need to purchase the products you’ll be giving away, as well as any packaging and shipping costs. You’ll also want to factor in any marketing costs, such as contest prizes, social media ads, and email marketing.

4. Choose the Right Products

Not all products are created equal when it comes to GWPs. You’ll want to choose products that are popular with your target audience, and that will fit your budget. They can be corporate apparel, promotional bags, or whatever trendy trinkets your audience will appreciate. Keep in mind that the products you choose will be given away for free, so you’ll want to make sure they’re good quality.

5. Get Creative with Marketing

Your GWP campaign won’t be successful if no one knows about it. That’s why it’s important to develop a strong marketing strategy to promote your GWP campaign. You’ll want to promote your campaign through all of your channels, including social media, email, and your website. You might also want to consider running a contest or giving away additional prizes to those who participate in your GWP campaign.

6. Consider the Shipping Timeframe

When you’re planning a GWP campaign, it’s essential to consider the shipping timeframe. You’ll need to have enough time to produce the products and get them shipped to your customers. Make sure to factor in production and shipping time when planning your campaign. Keep in mind that some products may take longer to ship than others.

7. Make it Fun

Your GWP campaign should be fun and exciting. This will help you get more people interested in participating. Use your imagination and come up with a theme that will get people excited about your campaign.


A Gift with Purchase campaign can be a great way to increase sales and attract new customers. When done correctly, a GWP campaign can be a win-win for both the retailer and the customer. The key is to make sure that the gifts are relevant to the products being sold and that the customer feels like they are getting a good value.

Before you can even start your GWP campaign, you’ll need a reliable supplier who can provide high-quality products at a reasonable price. GLOSO can do all that and more. We are an award-winning, woman-owned promotional products distributor providing some of the best promotional products in Riverwoods, IL. Choose from a wide selection of promotional products that are perfect for any GWP campaign. Contact us today to get started!

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